Our name is not by chance.
Holos is the way we achieve our objectives and challenges.
We are a multidisciplinary team of professionals aiming at getting a broad and holistic view of the organizational reality, in order to offer long-term quality solutions.
Holos Model is based on:
Deeply understanding the technical, economic and sociocultural complexity typical of organizations.
Coming up with sustainable customized solutions, adding value to organizations and their environment.
Implementing holistic and efficient changes, oriented to continuous improvement and achievement of verifiable results.
Our years of experience have led us to a close and deep understanding of our clients needs and the complexity of each organizational reality. Each solution we come up with constitutes an opportunity to apply our learning and innovation passion.
By using modern methodologies, collaborative learning and knowledge building, we aim at creating an environment than strengthens work teams and empowers each member of the teams.
Through knowledge networks management and our wide network of consultants, we aim at boosting each project we work on.
Management is our main line of action. Through commitment, creativity, experience and flexibility, we aim at finding holistic solutions to the challenges our clients face. We measure our success through the achievement of our objectives, based on quality, opportunity and manner.
Throughout our experience as consultants, we have developed and boosted our work methodologies, which can be adapted to the specific circumstances of each project, constantly assessing every step we make.
Developing trust in our clients is essential for building outstanding performance teams and long-term relationships.
Through proactivity, flexibility and empathy, we promote the building of multidisciplinary and multicultural teams that offer holistic solutions to our clients’ challenges.
Our usual systemic reflection practice allows us to gain new knowledge, boost learning and continually improve.
Our career path has allowed us to develop a work model that we design and implement according to the needs of each client.
Before starting each project, we conduct extensive research including the specific experiences both of the client and the sector or industry in other parts of the world that could be useful to find customized solutions.
Our wide network of expert consultants allows us to integrate specialists that provide a new perspective of the challenges.

We seek to generate impact with designing and implementing solutions, which has allowed us to achieve long-term relationships with our clients.
We make things to happen
We are honest and transparent
We believe in empathy
We care about people’s safety
We have fun while we work
We have a passion for learning

We exploit each person’s full potential